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寧波泓科真空閥門科技有限公司是專業從事真空閥門研發、設計、制造、銷售和服務的高新技術企業,公司已通過 ISO9001:2015 質量體系認證,擁有先進工藝裝備和檢測設備。產品加工精細,外形美觀,性能穩定,品質至上的制造理念及出色的產品開發能力。公司精心推出最新一代精實系列改良產品,在同類產品各種優點的基礎上,根據產品在實際應用中質量狀況,做了大量的針對性改進,新產品突出具有可靠性、實用性、新穎性明顯優勢,產品得到真空領域廣泛應用。

公司現擁有高真空電磁閥、高真空擋板閥、高真空球閥、高真空蝶閥、高真空微調閥、高真空調節閥、高真空隔膜閥等系列產品,及特殊真空閥門的設計制造。閥門分別采用手動、氣動、電動及電磁動驅動裝置,閥門通徑從0.8mm~1000mm,閥門漏率 6.5×10-2~1.3×10-7Pa·L/s,適用溫度范圍-40℃~+400℃。產品廣泛應用于新能源、新材料、航天航空、半導體裝備、生物醫藥、制冷、食品、機械、真空設備及科研等新興產業。公司將誠信,創新,務實,發展精神,為新老客戶提供優質產品和好的服務。全面滿足用戶產品需求,成為您信賴的高品質真空閥門技術伙伴。共同發展,共創未來!


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Ningbo Hongke vacuum valve technology co., Ltd is a hi-tech manufacturer who is specialized in developing, designing, production ,sales and service .The company has passed the ISO9001: 2015 quality system certification,Our company have the advanced technological equipment and testing equipment.Our products are with high features as finely processed, beautiful design,stable performance which isunder the support of quality first manufacturing philosophy and excellent product development capability.

The latest generation series of products have made much more improvement base on before advantages of products.The Current products are more competitive on reliability, practicality, novelty andpopular in vacuum field .

This company is professional in high vacuum solenoid valve, High vacuum flapper valve,High vacuum ball valve,High vacuum butterfly valve;High vacuumfine adjustable valve;High vacuum adjustable valve;High vacuum diaphragm valve and custom-made vacuum valves . The valves respectively adopt manual,Air-operated,Power-operated,solenoid drive.The Dia is 0.8mm~1000mm,The leak rate is 6.5x10-2~1.3x10-7Pa·L/s,Working temperature rage is -40℃~+400℃ . The products are widely applicable for new energy,new material,Aerospace,semiconductor device,Biological medicine;Refrigeration;Food;Mechanics;Vacuum equipment and Scientific research and Other emerging industries. To provide high quality products and first-class services are fit for marketing demand that is our working goal. Welcome to HONGKE to be partners.


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